Object-related planning and exemplary installation
On request the company H. Stock GmbH & Co. KG accompanies you and your building project during all the phases of object realisation; starting with the preliminary concept planning, the detailed planning and the project implementation planning through to the installation supervision and the acceptance. In case of uncertainties of any building project, related complicated connection details and interfacial problems to be expected, we always keep the whole project in view: a timely and function-adapted implementation of the tasks transferred to us within the framework of the cost level previously determined in cooperation with the customer.
Despite of our expertise and experience it is not always possible to combine our finishing and functional elements with the constructional circumstances and the related works only by way of planning. Furthermore, decision making is often greatly influenced by optical and overall-design aspects. In this context it is often helpful to prepare and install full-scale and detailed exemplary elements or even to equip a complete showroom – if necessary in connection with effecting laboratory tests – to provide clarity and assurance for all the parties involved. In many cases, the cladding which is finally to be installed, is subjected to an adaptation and improvement based on the newly gained knowledge. In this way it is for example possible to optimize construction sequences and to avoid additional costs for subsequent adjusting works. Moreover, it is advisable to effect a detailed and full-scale exemplary installation in all the cases where standards and specifications regarding material quality, workmanship standards and requested construction details have to be defined and determined before placing an order. In this way you get in the end exactly the final product which meets your ideas and your expectations.
This picture sequence shows the progressive installation steps when equipping a showroom in two optically different design variants using the example of a parapet heating system with additionally integrated cooling function by means of a special fan-convector with 4-conductor-system from our own production. The shown system was carried out and subsequently implemented by us in the building project within the new building of Robert-Koch-Institut (building no. 6) in Berlin.